How to cut a mango?

How To Cut a Mango?

Cutting a Mango into quarters may sound like an intimidating task if you have never done it before. So here is a simple step by step tutorial on how to cut a mango. And get the most out of this delicious fruit! There are 2 EASY ways to cut & peel a Mango so you can savor this delicious deliciously sweet fruit any time you like. 

First, place the mango on a cutting board, and make sure it is directly opposite the palm of your hand.

Second, use a knife or scissors to carefully cut the segments of the mango in half. Follow this with applying ice to the cut portions to preserve the sharpness of the blade, then slice the mango half way down.

The third step is to scoop out the insides of the mango before serving. You will want to scoop out the seed, the pit, and any pulp that are left. If you have time, take a spoon and clean out all of the extra seeds as well. When this is done, it is time to clean out the insides of the fruit just as we did in step one.

After the cleaning

Source: Pexels

Step four, once you have cleaned out the fruit flesh, it is time to cut. Make sure you always cut across the length of the segment, also make sure not to cut too deep into the flesh. With a handkerchief or a plastic bag, squeeze out as much juice as you possibly can from the center of the mango. Remember, the longer you hold onto the segments while you are slicing, the harder it will be to cut them after they are removed.

Step five, once the pieces of mango have been squeezed and cleaned, it is time to slice. Use a mango slicer or the knife you used in steps three through seven. You are going to want to slice across the length of the segment, not cut the segments into smaller pieces. Once the segment has been sliced, it is time to move on to the next slice.

mango cut easy how

Final step

Step six, the last step is to remove the segments after you have sliced them. Now, the easiest way to do this is to use a butter knife, or a serrated knife. These two tools will help you remove the pits from the mango. The next thing you want to do, is place the pieces onto a cutting board. Make sure that they are flat on the board and then start to roll the pieces across the cutting board using momentum.

What you are trying to do is scrape the skin off of the mango as you cut it. When you have scraped all of the skin, the segments will now come right off of the knife. Then, you need to rip the core out of the mango. This can be done by putting your fingers under the core and twisting the core around in order to rip it. Once the core is ripped, put your knife back on the cutting board and move it to the end of the segment. You will then be ready to put the remaining piece of meat on the segment and continue the process.

The process for how to cut a mango with a sharp knife is very easy. First, you just need to identify which segments you are going to be cutting. The easiest way to identify segments is by looking at the outside of the mango and locating the yellow spots. Then, cut each section of the mango until you get to the center.

Nasi Kandar

Some popular recipes for mango include the traditional dish, “Nasi Kandar” (Nasi kandar). This is a spicy vegetable soup that is made by blending cubed vegetables and then adding a mixture of red and black pepper, peanuts, chili paste, garlic and onion powders. In Malaysia, “Nasi Kandar” is served as an appetizer to go along with lunch. 

You can also find many other Southeast Asian recipes for mango like prawns and oysters that are drizzled with coconut milk and flavored with ginger, garlic and various spices. If you search the Internet, you will find many more ways in which you can make Southeast Asian-inspired drinks and meals like mangoes.

We hope that you could learn it easily. If you are a visual type of person, then we can recommend this short video for you to watch.

If you need a longer version, then we might recommend this one for you:

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