How to cook asparagus?

How to cook asparagus?

How to cook Asparagus is a question many have asked at some point. When you can’t get your family members or friends down for Asparagus Night, you may feel like learning how to cook Asparagus. So, let’s learn! Here are a few basic steps on how to cook Asparagus for your first cook out with the family.

cook asparagus fast how

Good to know

The best way to cook Asparage is by steaming it. Add enough water so that the steaming process covers the entire asparagus stalks. Add asparagus to the steaming water at least an inch outside of the leaves.

Steaming is important in this recipe because it prevents the stems from turning black. Keep in mind, the longer the Asparagus sits, the more it will cook. If you’re looking for the fastest possible cooking time, place the Asparagus at the very end of the cooking time, or boil it for the shortest amount of time. Larger pieces will cook faster. Using a wok or a skillet is the easiest way to cook Asparagus, especially when using a deep skillet.

In order to make this Asparage recipe as easy to Assemble as possible, start by assembling all the necessary tools. Your Asparage Steamer, a baking sheet, a bottle of olive oil, and a tablespoon or two of fine salt, and coarsely ground pepper, are just a few of the items you’ll need. You’ll also need a clean dishcloth and a heat source, such as a microwave. It is best to use hot water for washing your vegetables, but do not fill the cooking pan with too much water as it will cause the wok to overheat. Place all of your cleaned items into your cleaned dishcloth and place your vegetable basket inside the preheated oven for the best cooking results.

cook asparagus how to tutorial

First step

First, in the case of a roasted Asparagus recipe, you will want to bring your prepared Asparagus and Olive Oil to a medium-high heat. Once this is done, cover the vegetable with your cooking utensil and let it sit for about five minutes so that the fibers can begin to loosen up and expand. This will help to give your Asparagus a better texture. After this, bring your Asparagus to a boil and allow it to simmer for about ten minutes, flipping once.

The second method on how to cook asparagus is to roast it in a steamer. If you have purchased or made a good quality stainless steel roaster, you should notice that it comes with an attachment for the steamer. Just place your Asparagus in one end of the steamer and uncover when it is done to your desired height. You can then place it in the lid and steam until tender enough for your own piece of Asparagus!


Steaming is a great way to cook Asparagustus because it gives the vegetable an opportunity to release its insides while reducing any chance of it being bitter. For steaming, you will need to prepare all of your vegetables and start out by filling a medium-sized pot with about two inches of water. Once this is ready, place your Asparagus and Green Bean in and begin to cover them with the water. Leave them in for about twenty minutes, turning once. After this you will need to carefully remove them from the pot and wipe them off with a paper towel, and then dry them off thoroughly before placing them in a roasting pan or directly on the oven.

There are a few different ways to cook Asparagustus in order to take advantage of both the steaming and the roasting possibilities. For example, if you would like to use the steaming method then simply add a small bunch of chopped Asparagusta to boiling water and simmer for about five minutes until soft. Then, strain off the leaves and put them in a blender or processor and puree until smooth and creamy. As for roasting, Asparagustus can be roasted on a hot griddle or in a baking pan until tender enough for your favorite dessert.

If you are a visual type of person, then we can recommend this short video for you to watch.

If you need a longer version, then we might recommend this one for you:

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